BA Technique #44: State Modeling

Describing the different states, conditions, and transitions a system or object can go through.

Erivan de Sena Ramos
3 min readApr 7, 2024


Photo by DCP on Unsplash

Hello, BAs! Today, we venture into dynamic systems with State Modeling, another indispensable Business Analysis technique from The BABOK Guide v3. Brace yourselves to capture a system's various states, transitions, and behaviours over time. By visualizing system dynamics, Business Analysts comprehensively understand how systems respond to events, conditions, and user interactions. Let's embark on this modelling journey!

What is this technique about?

State modelling, originally defined by UML (Unified Modeling Language), is a method of visualizing a system’s various states and transitions in requirements engineering.

In Business Analysis, it assists in documenting and illustrating how the system responds to events and transitions between states. This visual representation aids stakeholders in comprehending system operations and the impact of different events on its behavior.

An example of state diagram by

How to apply this technique?



Erivan de Sena Ramos

Business Analysis & Requirements Engineering enthusiast. Information Systems & Software Engineering specialist. MBA in PM & HR. CBAP, PMP, CSM, ITIL & COBIT